- Senior researcher of NASA Dr. Chau-lyan Chang becomes next Director General of NARLabs' NCHC
- Cloud-based Smart Point Cloud Processing (CSPCP) technology wins the 2021 R&D 100 Awards
- National Center for High-performance Computing Education Cloud Platform wins the Red Hat APAC Innovation Award
- Latest HPC high-performance computing research and development platform, Supercomputer Taiwania 3 activated
- TWCC Launches 'Data Analysis Service (DAS)' to accelerate the progress of enterprise smart transformation
- TWCC Taiwan Computing Cloud 'Tech v Virus 2.0' activated to fight the pandemic
- TWCC officially debuts, kicking start the future of AI cloud for Taiwan
- Starts deploying AI Platform, to support AI open innovation ecosystem in Taiwan, and accelerate Taiwan's AI research and industry.
- Domestic self-developed and self-made AI supercomputer “TAIWANIA 2' creates TOP20 record
- The NCHC deploys the “Taiwania” petascale supercomputer, with 1.33 Pflops computational capacity
- TaiWan Advanced Research and Education Network (TWAREN) upgrades to 100G Network Backbone
- The NCHC launches Taiwan's first “Malware Knowledge Base”
- The NCHC launches the leading technology-- Interactive-HPC (iHPC)
- The NCHC finishes the establishment of the self-built supercomputer-- Formosa 5
- The Windrider, ranked 42nd on Top500 supercomputing list, is the Taiwan's first high-performance supercomputer with more than 100 TFLOPS computational capability.
- The NCHC launches Taiwan's first Render Farm service
- The NCHC founds the Alliance of Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications (ACTTA)
- The NCHC finishes the establishment of the self-built supercomputer-- Formosa 3
- Dr. James D. Watson, “Father of the DNA Double Helix,” visits the NCHC
- The DRBL/Clonezilla HPC Platform wins the "2008 Award for Outstanding Contributions in Science and Technology" from the Executive Yuan
- The NCHC joins the HoneyNet international information security organization
- The NCHC launches IBM 1350 -- Taiwan's supercomputer ranked 35 among the Top500 worldwide
- The NCHC's open source-based software, Diskless Remote Boot in Linux (DRBL), won first place in “Public Sector Applications” category at the Libre Software Meeting in France
- The NCHC receives ISO 27001:2005 Information Security Management certification
- The NCHC receives “Technology Efficiency” certification
- Dr. Fang Pang Lin wins the '2006 Award for Outstanding Contributions in Science and Technology' from the Executive Yuan
- NCHC receives ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management certification
- The NCHC's southern business unit is completed and begins serving as TWAREN's Network Operation Center (NOC)
- The NCHC's central business unit is completed and begins serving as Grid Operation Center (GOC)
- The NCHC launches TaiWan Advanced Research and Education Network (TWAREN)
- The NCHC's corporate status is changed to a non-profit (i.e. incorporated) organization under the National Applied Research Laboratories
- The first NCHC's self-built supercomputer -- Formosa1, ranked 135 among the Top500 worldwide
- The NCHC accepts the Executive Yuan's “Challenge 2008” mandate to develop and maintain the TaiWan Advanced Research and Education Network (TWAREN)
- The NCHC assumes responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the TANet2 R&D network
- The NCHC headquarters opens its doors to the public and begins providing HPC services
- The NCHC headquarters is established in the Hsinchu Science Park
- The Executive Yuan approved the 5-year plan of development for the NCHC
- The NSC and Ministry of Education (MOE) formed a committee to conduct a feasibility study.
- Taiwan's National Science Council (NSC) suggested planning a supercomputing center to assist researchers on a national level.